The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

District hunting association-ČMMJ. Office Hours : Monday 8:00 - 16:00 Wednesday 8:00 - 18:00.

Children's summer camps also for children with specific learning and behavior disorders - swimming for disabled citizens Special educator - diagnosis and correction of specific learning and behavior disorders

The foundation is focused on social health assistance for children in the Czech Republic.

Through the portal, we help parents to actively spend their free time with their children. We also operate the website to support the maintenance of women's professional fitness during parental leave.

The Dobromysl community runs the Dobromysl weekly clinic for mentally disabled citizens in the village of Srbeč. The project also includes an information and cultural center with a small cafe, in which visitors are served by users of the weekly stationary and thus find their employment. The age group of users is from 16 to 80 years.

Akim's school club unites: Kindergarten – Akim's school is the first outdoor kindergarten in the Czech Republic. It is registered in the school register of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The task of Kindergarten is to help children shape their view of the world, learn the values of life and understand the context. The travel club of ...