The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

The Association of Camps of the Czech Republic is a voluntary association of operators of camps and cottage settlements located in the Czech Republic. We provide our members with information on current trends, new legal regulations as well as consulting and advisory services in the field. Every year, we also publish the Catalog of Categorized ...

Chrudim Sports Union: - associates sports, physical education and tourist associations with activities in the Chrudim region, physical education units and sports clubs and their associations, if they are established as associations

Association operating a memorial to the victims of the burned village and taking care to preserve the legacy of the village

Care of the protected areas PR Habrov and PP Ptačí ostrovy. Our educational events include talks and discussions on environmental topics, e.g. at the Museum of Baroque Sculptures in Chrudim. We participate in the nationwide campaign Clean up the Czechia and or Volunteer Day and Earth Day. We are co-founders of KONEP Pardubice. Years ago, ...

Association: - active activity in nature protection

Civic Association: - organization of the CHRUDIMSKÝ ZVONEK music festival

Interest association for children and youth

Organizing - leisure activities for children and youth with a focus on spending time in nature

Consultation - children's summer camps - activities for children