The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

Civic Association - Health and Social Academy research in the field of crisis management in health care and in the field of pre-hospital care

Facilities for children and youth in a risk-free environment offering self-education

Association of firefighters of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia of Trutnov district

A maternity center dealing with activities for parents with children. The content is mostly free time activities, discussions, lectures. Our clients are mainly mothers on MD with children aged 0-6 years.

Interest association FOR children and youth

Dance school Association - leisure activities for children and youth maternity center BONÝSEK - low-threshold center CIHLIČKA

Association of technical sports and activities. Representation of the Hradec Králové region.