The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

Association: - active activity in nature protection

Introduction of Japanese culture to the Czech Republic, development of knowledge and understanding. Support of Japanese interest in Czech culture and integration of the Japanese community.

We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization with foundation status. The foundation's mission is to permanently improve and harmonize the human-animal-environment relationship, defend the interests and rights of animals, help alleviate suffering and ensure acceptable living conditions for animals in human care, captive and wild animals.

Since 2006, the ALLA DANZA association has been dedicated to the study and public presentation of the European dance art of the 15th-19th centuries. century (i.e. Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and the period of national revival). In 2012, the Prague headquarters expanded to include a branch in Brno, which specializes in 17th/18th century French ...