The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

A maternity center dealing with activities for parents with children. The content is mostly free time activities, discussions, lectures. Our clients are mainly mothers on MD with children aged 0-6 years.

Civic Association: -leisure activities for the citizens of Klecan and the surrounding area.

Services: - breeding association - issues a certificate of animal origin - sets the breeding goal and standard of the breed - sets the parameters for the selection of breeding animals.

The union was established as an independent voluntary, non-political and open interest organization that brings together employers and business entities operating in all basic and related fields of transport.

Voluntary civic association of photographers and fans of photography, which continued the long-standing tradition of the Union of Czechoslovak Photographers.

The Union of Czech Philatelists (SČF) brings together about 500 clubs of philatelists, 150 circles of young philatelists and specialized professional societies and sections.

UNION OF CZECH AND MORAVIAN PRODUCTION COOPERATIVES. Production cooperatives have a more than 100-year tradition in the Czech Republic, and as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, they still maintain an important position in the Czech economy. The basic subject of activity is the production and sale of a wide range of consumer ...

Association dealing with specific prevention for primary and secondary school pupils.

Association of tourist and camping groups. Lion cubs section phone: 776 593 877 Glow section: phone: 603 817 630