Retirement homes provide accommodation, meals and complete health services for the elderly. Provide a continuous social service for the elderly with reduced self-sufficiency and physical handicap, social and recreational activities, and nursing care.

Cleaning agency. Services: - household cleaning services - one-off, regular services, cleaning: - vacuuming, dusting, ironing, washing windows, laundry - walking pets - babysitting and tutoring children - care for the elderly: - personal assistance - securing, importing, taking away for examination, rehabilitation - ...

Alzheimer Center - specialized facilities for the care of clients with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia

The company Anima Čáslav, o.p.s. provides nursing services and home nursing care to seniors and citizens with disabilities. It operates field and ambulatory services, a day care center and a residential respite service. - nursing service, home nursing care - Social Services

Mission: The mission of the ADAM Dřevohostice Home is to provide boys and men with mental or associated physical disabilities with a residential service, taking into account the appropriate level of necessary support and care, so that their lives are active and meaningful.... Target group: Male persons with mental disabilities from 3 years of ...

Residential building for the elderly and disabled. We also offer relaxation stays. A family environment offering 24-hour client supervision. Very quiet environment and very good availability of medical care. (4km to Kroměříž) We currently accommodate only female clients.

Retirement home A home with a special regime Branch: Retirement home - Rooseveltova 3, Opava - phone: 553 715 504 - email:

Services: - the home provides medical and nursing care -rehabilitation, meals including diets -social services, laundry, cleaning and maintenance - in the premises of the home are also available another services -grocery and small goods store -pedicure, barber-hairdresser, shopping in the city.

Pensioners' club - Mělník, Kosmonautů 3018. Retirement Home - Ludmila Home - Fügnerova, Mělník. Nursing homes - 17.lisopad 246, Mělník - Sokolská 1058-1060, Mělník. Nursing service - Fügnerova 3523, Mělník.

Services: - the possibility of permanent living in comfortable senior residences - Residence Ambra, Solné 1055, 763 26 Luhačovice.

Sale - apartments - houses Provides - sheltered residential housing

Complete home health care Prague and its surroundings, the Central Bohemian region, the Královéhradecky region rental of medical equipment. Nursing care of sick children

Residence Classis offers a pleasant autumn of life.

Retirement home. Offered services: - accommodation in double rooms - 24 hour supervision - eating and supervision of the drinking regimen - supervision of medication use - help and training in managing common tasks for one's own person and other activities leading to self-sufficiency - assistance in exercising rights and legitimate ...