Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Civic Association - comprehensive assistance to women - victims of domestic violence.

Arbitration proceedings in property dispute management matters.

OPIM o.s. - Organization to support the integration of minorities The mission of OPIM o.s. is to spread awareness of human rights and help Czech citizens and minorities living in the Czech Republic to learn about their rights and to be able to exercise them through educational and informational programs and social activities. We offer human ...

The mission of KAM in the Czech Republic is to support the development of domestic and cross-border tourism. This is also where our income from all activities flows. The main target groups are families with children, active tourists and seniors. Our magazines are, thanks to their high circulation and dense network of distribution points ...

Autoclub Přerov: - autocross - motocross - hobbycross.

Residence Classis offers a pleasant autumn of life.

Association of volunteer rescuers and owners of all-terrain off-road vehicles

Personnel agency services Support - beginning visual artists and artists of national minorities in the Czech Republic Sale - pictures Support - beginning visual artists and artists of national minorities in the Czech Republic.

The House of Children and Youth offers hobby activities for preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth and adults. The activity of interest groups in DDM starts in October and ends in May.

E-shop - replicas of historical ceramics - coiled Celtic beads Association - friends of living history