Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Regional Police Directorate of the Olomouc Region. Territorial Department Olomouc.

Police of the Czech Republic. Territorial scope: - Dobešov, Emauzy, Heltínov, Heřmanice u Oder, Heřmánky, Hvězdová, Hynčice, Jakubčovice, Kaménka, Klokočuvek, Loučky, Luboměř, Mankovice, Odry, Pohoř, Spálov, Tošovice, Veselí, Véska, Vítovka, Vražné.

Police of the Czech Republic. Territorial scope: - Bílov, Bílovec, Bítov, Bravantice, Bravinné, Hýlov, Janovice, Jistebník, Josefovice, Lhotka, Lubojaty, Nový Svět, Ohrada, Slatina, Stará Ves, Tísek, Velké Albrechtice, Vyškovice.

Regional Directorate of the North Bohemian Region. Territorial department of external service Jablonec nad Nisou. Territorial Department of Criminal Police and Investigation Services: telephone: 974 474 318 e-mail: skpvjn@mvcr.cz Preventive information group: telephone: 974 474 207, 974 474 208 e-mail: pcrjn@mvcr.cz Internal ...

Police of the Czech Republic. Veká Polom district department.

Police of the Czech Republic. Police of the Czech Republic - District Department. Services: - receiving notification of a crime crimes and misdemeanors - patrol activity - management of the file service.

Police of the Czech Republic. Police of the Czech Republic - District Department. Services: - receiving notification of a crime crimes and misdemeanors - patrol activity - management of the file service.

Police of the Czech Republic. District department of Hodkovice nad Mohelkou.

Police of the Czech Republic. District department of Jablonná in Podještědí.

Police of the Czech Republic. District department of Nový Bor.

Police of the Czech Republic. Doksy District Department.

Police of the Czech Republic. Regional Police Directorate of the East Bohemian Region. Territorial department of external service Trutnov. Territorial Department of Criminal Police Service and Investigation Trutnov. Arms and Security Materiel Service Department - Trutnov, Slavičí 610, phone: 974539302 Traffic Inspectorate - Žižkova ...