Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

United organization of blind and partially sighted people of the Czech Republic. Social organization.

The organization brings together people with vision problems, creates the necessary social background for them and organizes reconditioning and rehabilitation stays. Registered social services - professional social counseling and social activation services for people with visual impairments. Guide and pre-reading services.

Civic Association. Services: - social and legal advice, rehabilitation stays for visually impaired citizens - household management, spatial orientation, provision of compensatory aids.

United Organization of the Blind and Visually Impaired Czech Republic. Services: - professional social counseling, - social activation services for seniors and persons with disabilities.

Association - help to children and young people with an acquired handicap

Plumbers Association Service water, heating, gas.

Czech Academy of Sciences, a public non-university institution of the Czech Republic, which consists of a system of scientific workplaces devoted mainly to basic research. The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic implements the conceptual policy of science and research, is integrated into national and international research programs, ...

Township. Number of inhabitants 1274. The South Moravian village of Nosislav is located about 23 km south of Brno. It lies by the river Svratka in the places where the hills of the Ždánické les pass into the Dyjskosvratecký valley. There are tennis courts, football and two volleyball fields, a sports hall, children's playgrounds, parks, ...

Municipal office of Stáblovice. Stáblovice was founded under the Olomouc bishop Bruno of Schaunberg between the years 1245 - 1281. The old origin of the village is evidenced by the original layout of the cottages in the shape of a horseshoe, when the front part of the village was the lord's residence and the side were the peasant and ...

Municipal office. The village of Těrlicko covers an area of 24.4 km2 on the slopes of the Těšín Hills, above the Těřlicka Dam, about 9 km from Český Těšín, on an important transport axis that connects Ostrava and Havířov with the transition to Poland and Slovakia. The municipality consists of three formerly separate municipalities bordering the ...

Property management and maintenance. Cleaning services. Sale: - pharmacy product. Protected workshop. We provide the possibility of replacement for services provided or goods taken.

Fisherman's Association - civic association. Exercises fisheries law within the meaning of the Fisheries Act. It ensures breeding, protection and fishing of fish, protection of the environment. It develops and popularizes the sport of fishing. Fishing.

Civic Association. Low-threshold center for children and youth. Organizing leisure activities, interest groups, courses.

Parish, church. Parish Church (Branch Church of All Saints).

Free Association of Swordsmen Consultation - fencing performances

Non-state charitable medical facility for patients with multiple sclerosis. Currently we can at home offer a temporary stay - max. 3 months, when patients are provided with continuous medical care, including rehabilitation, vitamin therapy, psychotherapy and occupational therapy. The capacity of the facility today is 14 beds in single and ...

Multi-purpose charity facility Háčko run by a regional charity in Červený Kostelec. Educational and leisure center for children and adults. Services: -maternity center - BIOTHERIK - dry carbonic baths - interest groups for children and youth: -sports, drama, girls' club, German language, scenic dance, callanetics, sewing. - educational ...

The goal of the union's activities in accordance with the approved statutes is to effectively help create optimal conditions for the dynamic development of the production branches of the silicate industry and to defend the common interests of its members. The union publishes its own magazine and professional publications and textbooks for ...

The activity of SiS consists primarily of the work of members of the Society within the framework of professional groups and commissions, as well as the organization of professional events for the general public and publishing activities. support and development of the silicate industry

Redemption - fruit Production and pasteurization - Apple juice Czech Gardening Association