Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Civic association of relatives, friends and supporters of helping the mentally ill specializing in schizophrenia. Our goal is to acquaint the general public with mentally ill and mental illnesses and to change the predominantly negative view of these illnesses and the people suffering from them.

Retirement Home Ústí nad Orlicí provides long-term residential social care services for seniors over 65 years of age or younger who are dependent on the help of another person. Part of our home is a home with a special regime for clients suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other type of dementia and we also offer a relief service. We are home ...

The State Institute of Public Health is a contributory organization of the Ministry of Health. According to the law, it is established for the preparation of documents for national health policy, for the protection and promotion of health, for ensuring methodological and reference activities in the field of public health protection, for monitoring ...

The Ministry of Agriculture is the central state administration body for agriculture, water management, the food industry and for the management of forests, hunting and fishing, outside the national parks. In each area, there are certain exceptions that do not fall within the competence of the Ministry of Agriculture, such as: protection of ...

Civic Association: - maintenance and presentation of historic steam locomotives 310.093 and 556.0506 - study of the history of the railway, documentation of its operation, preservation and maintenance of other technical monuments related to railway transport.

The village of Vrdy lies on the border of the Central Bohemia and Pardubice Regions in the district of Kutná Hora. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1307. The name of the village of Vrdy certainly relates to water or river and means the place where the river was once dammed. Currently there live 2900 inhabitants. Vrdy is part ...

Activity: - promotion and organization of exchange events in the field of art, culture, trade and tourism between Italy and the Czech Republic - organizing cultural events, exhibitions - art courses

It preserves a written heritage for the present and the future and has an inexhaustible material of cultural-historical significance. Services: - care for historical documents of cities, municipalities - carrying out shredding - search and verification of documents for property and other matters.

The firm of Mrs. Romana Kalandříková focuses on care for the elderly. We offer field care service in the client's home environment. We also provide assistance in cleaning the household, preparing food, personal hygiene, accompanying the doctor and so on. We also provide babysitting for preschool children. Services:  - care for the elderly and ...

The Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office is the top member of the public prosecutor's office system. In accordance with the law, it performs methodological, control and management activities. Pursuant to Article 80 para. 1 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic, the Public Prosecutor's Office represents a public lawsuit in criminal proceedings, ...

Services: - replacement performance - employment of people with mental disabilities - mowing grass - cleaning

Podbrdy village is located under the slopes of Brdy forests in the district of Beroun. The chiefs are situated at an altitude of 350 m above sea level and cover an area of 78.7 km2. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1788. Currently, 203 permanent residents live in the village. Municipal office, services :: - Czech ...

City hall. Administrative Department: -evidence of inhabitants, tel .: 515216366-369 -ID cards, tel .: 515216372-373 -travel passports, tel .: 515216363-365 Department of Transport: -partition of driving licenses, tel .: 515216384-386 -record of motor vehicles tel .: 515216377

City hall. Department of Education, Culture and Monument Care.

Těškov village can be found in the Pilsen Region, near the district town of Rokycany. The village was founded according to historical sources in 1343 at that time the name of the village was written in the form of Těžkov from the word to mine, because the nearby hill Radeč mined iron ore, another variant is that the name of the village was derived ...