Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

The Bechyně Volunteer Fire Brigade was founded in 1874, and currently has 84 members and 32 young firefighters. Field unit of the volunteer fire department: During the day, at night, on weekdays and on holidays, we go out to fires, traffic accidents and other incidents to save the lives and property of our fellow citizens. Fire sport: We ...

The village of Michalovice is located in the Havlíčkův Brod district in the Vysočina region. In the valley west of the village flows the Úsobský stream, which is a left-hand tributary of the Sázava River. In 1976 and 1990, the village was part of the city of Havlíčkův Brod. Currently, 225 inhabitants live here. The first written mention of the ...

The village of Žítková ranks among the mining villages belonging to the Hradishu region. 171 inhabitants live in the village on an area of 6.80 km2 at an altitude of 590 m.a.s.l. The basis for the name of the village was the word Žítek, or life, which had to be renewed in this territory often ravaged by wars. In the village you will find a ...

The village of Vlčice is located in Podkrkonoší near the district town of Trutnov with a view of Černá hora, a member of the Voluntary Union of Podkrkonoší municipalities. The village is located on the Vlčické stream, 5 kilometers west of Trutnov. 566 inhabitants live here. The village consists of two cadastral territories: Vlčice u Trutnova ...

Cetkovice is an old agricultural settlement, picturesquely laid out in the eastern part of Malá Haná at an altitude of 395 meters above sea level. The charming landscape is indented in the west by the picturesque hills and mounds of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, in the southeast by the emerald forests of the Drahan Highlands. The first ...

The Slavic Institute is a public research institution that deals with the study of Slavic languages and literatures in a European cultural context. It is based on the traditional comparative concept, which examines Slavic languages and literature among themselves, and enriches this view with current trends in European Slavic studies. They also ...

Czech-Moravian Union of Mini Breweries z.s. provides legal and legislative service and defending the interests of microbreweries, which is its core area of activity. In this area, the Czech-Moravian Union acts not only as an advisor, but also as a strong and unified authority vis-a-vis the authorities, institutions and in negotiations with ...

The picturesque and peaceful village of Spělkov lies in a valley on the Moravian bank of the Svratka, on the border of Bohemia and Moravia, surrounded by fields, forests and hills. The origins of the village date back to the 13th century, when the upper reaches of the Svratka were colonized by lords from Medlov, ancestors of the lords from ...

Rodinné centrum Routa, z. s. was founded in 2008 as a non-profit organization (registered association), focused on supporting families with children in and around Čelákovice. We operate in Sedláčková Street in the center of Čelákovice, in the premises of the community center with a garden and a yurt. As part of our organization, the ...

The Union of Czech and Moravian Housing Cooperatives is an interest association of housing cooperatives and community of unit owners with jurisdiction throughout the Czech Republic. The union represents member cooperatives in negotiations with the Government of the Czech Republic, the Parliament of the Czech Republic and other state and ...

Union of Czech and Moravian housing cooperatives. Office of the Council for the East Bohemian Region

Administrative archive of the Army of the Czech Republic: - center of military documentation - military personnel registration center - department for professional activities.

Regional military headquarters are a military administrative office that performs state administration in its territorial district and at the same time fulfills the tasks of state defense in accordance with special legal regulations, in particular Act No. 585/2004 Coll., on conscription and its provision (Defense Act). They plan and ensure ...

Territorial Military Administration Kroměříž. Army Czech Republic.

District office of the military district of Březina.

The village of Přehořov is located in the district of Tábor in the South Bohemian Region. It is located at an altitude of 415 m above sea level and its area is 955 hectares. The first written mention of the village dates from 1372. The village consists of three parts, namely Přehořov, Hrušova Lhota and Kvasejovice. At present, the village has 353 ...

Stomach Club Brno, z.s. is an association of people with a small or large bowel or bladder outlet.

Trade union of glass, ceramics and porcelain, Basic organization VETROPACK MORAVIA GLASS, joint-stock company