Cultivation, preservation, drying, import and direct sale of vegetables offers both foreign companies and local entrepreneurs. Shop wholesale and retail root, košťálovou, amniotic, folic acid, onion and legume vegetables in standard or organic quality.

Wholesale and import - potatoes Export - potatoes Delivery - planting potatoes

The Pesema family farm grows potatoes, onions, carrots, kohlrabi, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, celery, chives, beets and much more for you in the fertile Polabian region. Cultivation: - potatoes - onions - carrot - kohlrabi - cabbage - salad - cauliflower - celery - chives - beet Production: - jam - honey - ...

The Kunžak agricultural cooperative is located in the Jindřichův Hradec district and currently manages 2,500 ha of agricultural land. We focus on growing potatoes, wheat, canola and also silage corn. As part of animal production, we deal with the breeding of cattle and sows. We are located at Střížovická 420, Kunžak. Zemedelske druzstvo, ZD: - ...

Collective farm. Plant production - potatoes, rapeseed, cereals.

Eden Farm. Cultivation, production: - potatoes - eggs. Services: - bale pressing. Riding school.

Plant production, cultivation: - cereals - root crops - vegetables - fruit

Private farmer: - plant and animal production - potatoes - cereals - rape, poppy - pigs, piglets - sale of fish

Farm. We grow cherry, cocktail, bush tomatoes, salad cucumbers. Own flower honey. Visitor center with demonstration greenhouse.

Private farmer, cultivation: - vegetables fruit - potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries