
Cultivation, preservation, drying, import and direct sale of vegetables offers both foreign companies and local entrepreneurs. Shop wholesale and retail root, košťálovou, amniotic, folic acid, onion and legume vegetables in standard or organic quality.

PRAMEN Olomouc s.r.o.

Retail trade: -a complete assortment of food -chemist's goods, cigarettes Wholesale: -foodstuffs Mediatory activity in a branch of trade and services Our assortment represents these producers and supliers (a selection): -Kraft Foods -Opavia-LU -Nestle -Hame -Kofola -Madevia -Penam.

Polfin agro, s.r.o.

Výroba: -rostlinná - živočišná. Farma Malý Božnov: -Loučka,tel.:577350708. Farma živočišné výroba: -Drnovice,tel.:577350873 -Tichov,tel.:577320265 -Újezd,tel.:577350238.

Kovo Malík s.r.o.

Metalwork, locksmith work: -production and repair of agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery and tools: -tractor combiner - siding, hand shoulders -hydraulic presses for grapes -grinders for agricultural products (also in stainless steel version) Construction locksmith: - steel gates, beams, gates -steel railings, construction, stairs - outdoor fences - stainless steel production…

GARSPOL, s r.o.

The company GARSPOL, s.r.o. based in Hlohovec focuses on services in the agricultural field, especially agricultural production and fruit growing. We grow: - cereals (cereals) - wheat - corn - sunflowers - fruit (plums) - vegetables - vines We have been operating on the Czech market since 1994 and we have extensive growing experience. Everything we grow in love in our farming…

Zdeněk Langer

Production, processing and sale of champignons and oyster mushrooms. Traditional Czech agriculture from Wallachia. Internet portal operation: Mushroom recipes, oyster mushroom recipes. Sale of advertising banners, web management, administration + copyright Martin Minařík.

DOUBRAVA, spol. s r.o.

The company DOUBRAVA, spol. s r.o. deals with animal production, breeding and fattening of pigs, dairy cattle, crop production and renewable energy production. We breed pigs of the TOPIGS meat breed. From our kennel you can order pigs or piglets of different weights to be fed or slaughtered. We sell pigs weighing up to 120 kg, we will provide a higher weight by prior arrangement. We breed…

ROVINA Agro a.s.

Zemědělství. Výroba: -rostlinná: -obilniny,sláma,píce,luštěniny,řepka, technické plodiny,cukrovka,kukuřice na zrno -ovoce,zelenina,ořechy -živočišná: -hovězí (krávy-dojnice:produkce mléka, pastevní chov skotu) -drůbež. Sídlo: -Hulín,Kroměřížská 134 tel.: 573350154. Středisko rostlinné a živočišné výroby: -Blazice 31 tel.:573388020.