Cultivation of technical crops in the czech republic includes the development, cultivation and subsequent wholesale of oilseed rape, sunflower, poppy, caraway seeds of technical hemp, lne fibre flax and olejného or also fast-growing tree species or medicinal plants.

Zemedelske obchodni druzstvo Ludmirov
Agricultural business cooperative Ludmírov near Prostějov deals not only with crop and livestock production, but also focuses on the sale and production of cold dishes and delicacies such as sandwiches, aspic or paneled bowls, including their distribution. Cold food products, distribution: - delicatessen - paneled bowls for celebrations and ...
ROLS Lesany, spol. s r.o. Zemedelska skupina ROLS
ROLS Lesany, spol. s.r.o. is a company from the Czech Republic, a member state of the European Union. It is a grower and also processor of blue poppy and caraway. We focus on sale, including distribution in the whole Czech and Slovak Republic and also abroad. Wholesale, export, crop farming: - Blue poppy - Caraway - Production of blue poppy ...
Agricultural cooperative Výšovice focuses on production in the field of crop production. We are engaged in growing cereals, wheat, barley, rapeseed and poppy. Furthermore, our cooperative performs cleaning of small seeds. We operate in the Haná region in the district of Prostějov. Collective farm: - Crop production. Cultivation: - ...

Collective farm: - crop production (wheat, barley, corn, rape ...) - animal production, rearing of calves and piglets.