Local and global suppliers of fruit always offers fresh domestic and exotic types of fruit. Apples, pears, bananas, oranges, lemons, nectarines, peaches, plums, cherries, forest fruit, coconuts, pineapples and other types of fruit can make our life healthier.

AGRO ŽLUNICE, a.s. specializes in agricultural production our activities include fruit growing, crop and livestock production. We grow apples, plums, rape, wheat, barley and peas. We also breed cattle including rearing our own calves, heifers and bulls. We are based in the village Žlunice, district Jičín. Agricultural production:  - ...

Growing, selling BIO fruits: -apples, pears, plums and peaches for neBIO prices (up to 25 CZK / kg)

Jahodárna Čejkovice grows and sells strawberries, cherries, apricots and raspberries. It offers self-picking strawberries and the sale of strawberry seedlings.

Zemědělské družstvo Libčany focuses on fruit growing and plant production. We manage apple orchards, pear, cherry and peach orchards and, to a lesser extent, plum orchards. We also grow food wheat, malting barley, oilseed rape and sugar beet. We farm a total of about 1133 ha of agricultural land. We have our own storage space and we run a ...

Services, cultivation: - organic orchard of apple trees Accommodations: - cottage

Horticulture. Growing and selling -fruit -vegetables - spices

Services: - ecological orchard of Alder-leaved Flycatcher

Crop production Breeding: - farm animals Biogas plant

Growing and selling - potatoes - onions - cabbage - vegetables

Eco farm - apples - cherries - pears - plums - apricots

Harvest work. Agricultural production. Trade in agricultural products.

Member of the PRO-BIO Association of Ecological Farmers. A network of customers and suppliers in the field of organic farming. Supply system with quality products. Distribution of organic farming products.

Private farmer. Agricultural production - production of apples, raspberries, honey and nuts.

Wholesale of dry fruits: - quality dried fruit - dry fruits - seeds - candied fruit and nuts.

Production: - vegetable - animal.

Wholesale: -fruit vegetables. Agriculture: - growing vegetables.