For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

Agricultural production: - vegetable.

Wholesale of agricultural commodities - export, import: barley, wheat, oats, ...

The Starosedlský Hrádek Agriculture and Trade Cooperative focuses on crop and livestock production. Our other services include repairs of agricultural machinery. We are based in Starosedlský Hrádek, Příbram district. Agricultural cooperative, ZOD: - Crop production - animal production. Breeding: - pigs - cattle, cows. Cultivation: - ...

Production, delivery: - food poppy Headquarters: Radlická 19/1, Prague tel .: 257 320 806 - 8

Collective farm: -agriculture including sales unprocessed agricultural products for processing or further sales.

Services - international trade - import of products from European suppliers - poppy, buckwheat millet.

Resort 1: Sales and consulting in the field of air conditioning Sales of GEA Heat Exchangers a.s. -Flex Geko air conditioning units -heating units SAHARA MAXX - water, electric, gas -RoofJETT ventilation fans -VENTO door curtains -air filters. Resort 2: Growing and selling strawberries, self-harvesting.

Services for farmers: - precise manure application - manure spreading - harvesting silage, silage - baling of hay bales, straw - hoeing of corn, sunflower. Trade in agricultural commodities.

The main activity of AGRA Český ráj a.s. is crop and livestock production. We farm about 970 hectares of land and our products of crop production include mainly rape, grain or sugar beet. Within the livestock production we focus on breeding about 450 cattle without market milk production. Our other services include the sale of beef from our own ...

Agricultural company TEAM, v. O.s. has been engaged in plant and animal production since 1993. We grow cereals, sugar beet and canola. As part of animal production, we breed cattle. You can find us in the village Černuc, district Kladno. Crop production: - sugar beet - cereals - rape. Animal production: - cattle - milk production, ...

Cultivation: - hops, hops. Žatec branch: - U Odborů 787 - tel .: 415 711 712 Hořesedly branch: - Hořesedly 153 - tel .: 777 738 580

The company BRELEX s.r.o. specializes in the supply of a complete range of hop products.

The company ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ a.s. Opava-Kylešovice operates in agricultural primary production. It operates in the field of agriculture, where it provides earthworks, post-harvest treatment of cereals, plant production and, last but not least, trucking. The main activity of the company is crop production, which is focused on growing: - cereals - ...

Agricultural production: Animal production: - cows, heifers, bulls, breeding bulls Crop production: - wheat, barley, rape, maize, sunflowers, peas.

Zemedelske druzstvo (ZD **) Velesovice: - Crop production - hospitality activities - joinery, flooring - accounting activities

Agricultural activity - baling of hay, straw, silage into round bales - hay baling into round bales - sale of hay, straw and silage - approach and logging.

Delivery, sale: - poisons, pesticides, corrosives for protection plants - plant protection chemicals Agricultural commodities: - food grain - malting barley - feed components

Export, import - agricultural raw materials - feed - food commodities, grain, oilseeds.

Agricultural cooperative Dub nad Moravou is engaged in plant and animal production. We raise cattle with milk production and pigs, we grow wheat, barley, rape and corn in our fields. Other activities of our cooperative include services for small farmers, road transport, crane work and we also operate our own meat products store. Crop ...

The company STATEK KYDLINOV s.r.o. focuses on agricultural activity. We are engaged in plant production, we produce wheat, malting barley, winter rape, sugar beet and corn. Part of crop production is further processed in the production of feed mixtures for livestock. We supply wholesale and small customers with feed mixtures for laying hens, ...