For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

Zemedelske druzstvo Pojbuky
Agricultural cooperative Pojbuky is engaged in the cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, fodder wheat, food rye and malting barley. We raise cattle for meat and milk. We offer the import of bulk materials or the removal of grain. We sell very early, early, semi-early and industrial potatoes for consumption or seed potatoes. The agricultural ...
Jitka Zurova - Pestitelska cinnost
Jitka Žůrová is engaged in growing activities. Among our most sold fruit include apples, pears, plums and apricots. For sale we offer fruit trees and trees of many varieties - apple, pear, plum and apricot. You can buy these varieties of apples:  - Paradise, Bohemia, Idared  - Ruby, Jonagold, Akane  - Fany, Melody, Selena  - Bio golden, ...
Pfahnl Backmittel, spol. s r.o.
The company Pfahnl Backmittel, spol. s r.o. is a regionally operating family business, which lies at the heart not only of the future of our region, but also of the entire environment. The company provides raw materials for bakers and confectioners. It offers preparations for common pastries, flours, mixes and raw materials for the bakery, ...
Jamenska a.s. zemedelska vyroba
Agricultural production, sale: -feed for livestock (cattle, sheeps, horses, hoofed game) -mineral licks, fodder pressed salt -lump salt Wholesale, retail sale: -agricultural tackle for animals breeders (fencing equipment, stranded wires, insulators etc.) Production, sale - milk, pork, beef. Ecological (bio), plant production: ...
Zemedelske obchodni druzstvo Bozejov
Agricultural trade cooperative Božejov has been operating since 1975 as an agricultural cooperative with 1,369 hectares of agricultural land (1,050 hectares is occupied by arable land). ZOD Božejov is engaged in the breeding of young cattle and bulls, for which a place was built from the former veal pen. Currently, the number is 860 including ...
Zemedelska akciova spolecnost Mezihaji, a.s.
The agricultural joint-stock company Mezihájí focuses on services in the field of plant and animal production. In the village of Kněžice, where you can find our farm, we grow cereals, potatoes and other plant products. As part of animal production, our farm specializes in raising dairy cows and pigs. Our services: - plant and animal ...
VYCHODIL PATRIK - Prodej kuric, ovocnych stromku a brambor
Patrik Vychodil sells chickens, fruit trees, potatoes and Christmas trees. Sale: - chicken - fruit trees - potatoes - Christmas trees. You can find the store at Újezd 89, 783 96 Újezd u Uničova.
Kunraticke jahody
The company Kunratické strawberries, Jiří Jakoubek is engaged in growing, wholesale and retail sales of strawberries. We offer sales of strawberry seedlings, strawberry fruits and self-harvesting strawberries. We have been growing strawberries since 1993, farming on approximately 26 hectares of fields. We grow and sell several types of ...
Obchodni firma Kucera spol. s r.o. zemedelske komodity
Trading in agricultural commodities. As already mentioned, our company specializes in the trade of agricultural commodities. We focus on the purchase and sale of cereals, poppies, cumin, sunflowers, rape, mustard, corn, compound feed and other agricultural commodities. If you are interested in our offer, do not hesitate to contact ...
Meclovska zemedelska, a. s. rostlinna a zivocisna vyroba
The company Meclovská zemědělská, a. S. Focuses on plant and animal production. As part of animal production, we are engaged in the breeding of Holstein cattle and pigs. We also grow wheat, rape, barley, spring cereals and corn. With its cultivated area, our company is one of the largest agricultural enterprises in the Pilsen region. You can find ...
SOLEX AGRO, s.r.o. mrazene ovoce
The company SOLEX AGRO, s.r.o. is one of the largest producers and sellers of high quality frozen fruit, mushrooms, nuts and cereals. We are engaged in the collection and processing of forest berries and mushrooms and we have two plants in western Ukraine. In the Czech Republic we provide customs clearance of goods, temporary storage and packaging ...
ZVO s.r.o. clen skupiny ZVO Group
Company ZVO s.r.o. is engaged in crop production. We focus on growing and selling field vegetables, potatoes and cereals. We are a member of ZVO Group, which currently manages 4300 ha of agricultural land. Crop production, cultivation, sale:  - vegetables  - cereals  - forage crops. Vegetable production:  - potatoes  - celery  - ...
Jan Horak - Zemedelska farma
The agricultural farm run by Jan Hořák on the Rýmařov farm focuses on organic farming. We are engaged in cattle breeding. We offer for sale bulls, representatives of meat breeds Hereford and Aberdeen Angus. Directly on the farm there is a cutting plant, where you can buy matured beef cattle from our production in BIO quality. Agricultural ...
Servis Traktoru s.r.o.
The company Servis Traktorů s.r.o. as its name suggests provides services in the field of repair of agricultural machinery. We focus mainly on professional service and repairs of mainly FENDT tractors, as well as the sale of spare parts and oils. We also provide agricultural services. We provide plowing, sowing, fertilizer application, manure ...
AGRONA Stare Mesto, a.s.
AGRONA Staré Město, a.s. is engaged in crop and livestock production. Our main activities include growing cereals and breeding dairy cows. At present we farm 3000 hectares of agricultural land in the districts of Svitavy and Ústí nad Orlicí. Crop production, cultivation:  - cereals  - wheat, rye, barley  - Purple Mallet. Livestock ...
AGRA Horni Dunajovice  a.s.
Agricultural cooperative: plant growing and animal farming. Viticulture / wine growing, wine production, wines. Supply, distribution of wines. Service: motor vehicles. Joinery. The premises: -Horni Dunajovice, fruit collection centre, Mrs Spalkova Libuse, tel.: +420 515273241 (private nr.) -Domcice, cowhouse, tel.: +420 ...
Farma Jandrt s.r.o.
Agricultural farm: - Crop production - animal production on average 400 cattle.
Ekofarma Jedlova
Ekofarma Jedlová Václav Sedláček is engaged in organic cattle breeding and growing grain in organic quality. We also have our own hunting area with the possibility of catching game and we offer pasture owners mowing and harvesting permanent grassland. We are based in Okrouhlá near Cheb. Livestock production, organic farming:  - breeding cattle ...
Agriculture. Agricultural crop production: - vegetables fruit: - peppers, tomatoes - strawberries - seeds: - lucerne is sown, corn is fodder - peas - fodder potatoes. Beekeeping. Breeding. - bees.