For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

Services: -land preparation -plants protection and manuring -harvesting. Livestock production: -milk -pork, beef. Plant production: -food wheat -malting barley -poppy -oilseed rape. Production, sale: -brushes: -wire brushes: -round (spiral, "hedgehog") -square -five-row with caps: -mandrel -brushes KR ...

Animal and plant production. Breeding and cultivation: - cattle (for milk and meat) - pigs - cereals - fodder - poppy Services: - sale and service of Faresin Handler loaders.

Wholesale: Processed and unprocessed plant products -fields, rape, barley, poppy, corn -flour Processed and unprocessed animal products -cattle, pigs -milk Agricultural commodities Drying and cleaning: -agricultural products -harvest treatment Industrial fertilizers Agroservices Consulting activity: -agriculture.

Breeding station: - breeding of fruit trees - breeding of gooseberries, currants, raspberries, cranes and hazel