Animal production , commercial breeding and sale of livestock – cattle, cows, calves, heifers and breeding bulls. When buying do not forget also on the quality of the plant feed, thus the feed grains, oats, barley, wheat, oilseed, oilseed, potatoes and corn.

Services: - agricultural production - repairs of working machines - road motor transport - operation of a filling station with fuels - hospitality activities - business in the field of hazardous waste - repairs of road vehicles Sale: - crop production - starch potatoes - food wheat ...

Services: - road transport - earthworks - concrete plant - construction.

Plant and animal production.

Production of animal and vegetable products.

Plant and animal production. We grow wheat, barley, oats, canola, corn, clover and alfalfa. Pig and cattle breeding, milk production.

Production: -vegetable -animal Services: -tire service Breeding: -fish Hunting

Agricultural production: - Crop production - animal production.

Organic farm. Agricultural production: - animal production: - organic beef - organic lamb - Crop production: - hay for feeding - bare-seeded organic oats for food production. Joinery production: - custom made euro windows - Euro doors to order.

Agricultural production: -Crop production: - cereals, legumes, fodder - animal production: - breeding of broilers.

Crop production - seed and table potatoes Livestock production - pigs - cattle