Animal production , commercial breeding and sale of livestock – cattle, cows, calves, heifers and breeding bulls. When buying do not forget also on the quality of the plant feed, thus the feed grains, oats, barley, wheat, oilseed, oilseed, potatoes and corn.

We operate the Jítravský dvorec complex in the Lusatian Mountains. It includes a hotel, guest house, restaurant and wellness center. We also focus on equestrian sports - parkour and dressage.

AGRO SYCHROV a.s. is a modern, prosperous agricultural company that currently manages 1060 ha of agricultural land, of which 746 ha are arable land and 314 ha are permanent grassland. Within the plant production, winter wheat, rape, soya, sugar beet, silage maize and hay are grown. Animal production focuses on fattening bulls. We are based in ...

Sale - pigs - piglets - cattle Sale - barley - wheat - oat - scrap metal

The company Kulmon - Škoda s.r.o. is focused on the livestock trade. We are engaged in the export, import and breeding of cattle, mostly meat breeds. We also run our own assembly center in the village of Třebnuška and a checkpoint in Volduchy. We are based in Liberec. Export, import, import, export: - farm animals cattle for slaughter - ...

Horse-breeding. -horses and ponies sick and old -horses taken by the State Veterinary Administration to breeders -commercial horse stables -own horse breeding

Livestock production: - organic cow breeding Crop production: - rapeseed - cereals

Production - lamb and goat meat Breeding - goats - sheep

Collective farm. Plant production, cultivation: - cereals - rapeseed. - fodder crops. Cattle breeding and milk production.

Services: -agricultural consultancy.