Animal production , commercial breeding and sale of livestock – cattle, cows, calves, heifers and breeding bulls. When buying do not forget also on the quality of the plant feed, thus the feed grains, oats, barley, wheat, oilseed, oilseed, potatoes and corn.

Agricultural production - plant and animal production

Joinery. Carpentry. Plant production combined with animal production.

Production: - agricultural - bakery - feed mixtures for company needs. Centers. I'm suffering Phone: 461741826

Livestock production, breeding: -meat cattle

Crop production Livestock production

Organic farm: -breeding beef cattle, Canadian pasture pigs - growing root vegetables, plants and strawberries -offers edible flowers, cut flowers including arrangement services.

Agricultural production: - cattle breeding - milk production

Crop production - cultivation of wheat, barley, rapeseed, oats, triticale, safflower, soy, flax Livestock production - cattle breeding, milk production

Farm. Breeding and sale: - pigs. Production: - pork.

Cultivation: -wheat, rapeseed -maize Breeding: - cows Biogas plant.

We breed meat breeds of cattle.

Agricultural production. Operation: - biogas plant. Sale: - biogas.

Agricultural production, breeding, cultivation: - cattle - cereals - rapeseed - fodder Production of paper and plastic packaging, their printing: - plastic bags made of polyethylene, polypropylene and microtene -advertising and carrier bags made of polyethylene, microtene and paper - self-supporting bags - large-volume sacks ...

Organic farm, breeding: - Highland cattle - horses for recreational use Sale: - meat from a slaughtered piece of cattle

Crop production Breeding: - farm animals Biogas plant

Services: -consultancy for cattle breeders -agricultural technologies and techniques in the field of cattle breeding. - production of stable technology to order

Breeding, sale: - Salers beef cattle Sale: - organic meat Accommodations: - boarding house

Railway siding maintenance Crop production Livestock production

Agricultural production: -vegetable -vines on 80 hectares of vineyards - orchards of apple trees, apples, phone: 518335618 - marginally also animal-pork, cattle. Production, sale: - bottled wines - quality, with the attribute, straw wine -barrel wines. Wine shop in the wine cellar Strážnica edge: - phone: 518334775 Gas station, phone: ...

Collective farm. Production: - animal - vegetable.

Agricultural production: - vegetable - animal. Farm.

Sale: - live animals, slaughtered animals, dairy products, eggs, homemade jams.