Equipment for the rider and for the horse includes saddles, bridles, saddle pad, bit for horse, equestrian gaiters, breeches, gloves, helmets, whips, and more. In addition to this accessory is necessary to pay attention to proper nutrition horses – joint supplements, vitamins and treats.

Services: -breeding and sale of pigs, cattle -rental of non-residential premises - sale of firewood - horse stables - sale of hay.

Services - forest logging work - approaching wood by horse and tractor - sawmill work Horse riding - horse riding - horse stables - transportation of horses and other farm animals

Eden Farm. Cultivation, production: - potatoes - eggs. Services: - bale pressing. Riding school.

Hut - capacity of 9 people - garden with outdoor seating and accommodation - wooden log cabin - Unimo cells Restaurant - garden with smokehouse and grill - BERNARD beer - organizing private events - organizing pig and game feasts - large-area wide-angle projection Equestrian ...

Western town. Accommodation, restaurants, horseback riding.

Agricultural activity - growing activity (rye, oats, potatoes) - approaching wood by horses - approach of wood by tractor - horseback riding.

Casia riding stable. Breeding, training: - horses, horses - horse stables Teaching: - horse riding