Commercial breeding of horses, cows, sheep, goats, poultry and other farm and domestic animals. Housing the animals, quality of animal care, training of various degrees, all of this only from experienced experts. Take advantage of services from professionals who knows how to take care of animals.

Kfelsky rybnik Danuse Ondekova
Kfelský rybník - fishing in the Karlovy Vary region. The Kfelský rybník near Ostrov in the Karlovy Vary region was restored in 2001. The dam once broke and since then no one has repaired the pond, except the enthusiasts Mr. and Mrs. Ondeka. The pond is built on hundred-year-old water, which is why there are reinforced spillways at the inflow ...
FARMA VENDOLSKY s.r.o. rostlinna vyroba
Family company FARMA VENDOLSKÝ s.r.o. focuses on conventional crop production and organic fruit growing. Our activities also include hunting, marginal animal production and we also run a general store, a tire service and a dining room. We are based in Bohušov, Bruntál district. Crop production:  - cereals  - wheat, barley  - sugar beet  - ...
Zemedelske druzstvo Smilovy Hory
The agricultural cooperative manages 1154 ha of agricultural land, of which 859 ha are arable land and the remaining 295 ha are permanent grassland. The farmed land is distributed in a total of 6 cadastral territories of municipalities - Smilovy Hory, Stojslavice, Radostovice, Malý Ježov, Velký Ježov and Těchobuz II. As part of livestock ...
Zemedelske druzstvo Pojbuky
Agricultural cooperative Pojbuky is engaged in the cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, fodder wheat, food rye and malting barley. We raise cattle for meat and milk. We offer the import of bulk materials or the removal of grain. We sell very early, early, semi-early and industrial potatoes for consumption or seed potatoes. The agricultural ...
Jamenska a.s. zemedelska vyroba
Agricultural production, sale: -feed for livestock (cattle, sheeps, horses, hoofed game) -mineral licks, fodder pressed salt -lump salt Wholesale, retail sale: -agricultural tackle for animals breeders (fencing equipment, stranded wires, insulators etc.) Production, sale - milk, pork, beef. Ecological (bio), plant production: ...
Zemedelske obchodni druzstvo Bozejov
Agricultural trade cooperative Božejov has been operating since 1975 as an agricultural cooperative with 1,369 hectares of agricultural land (1,050 hectares is occupied by arable land). ZOD Božejov is engaged in the breeding of young cattle and bulls, for which a place was built from the former veal pen. Currently, the number is 860 including ...
Hospudka u Kotyku
Our eco-farm is located at the foot of the Giant Mountains at an altitude of 450 m, close to the town of Jilemnice, which is rightly called the gateway to the Giant Mountains. Our family farm was established in 1992. In an effort to produce the highest quality food and behave as kindly as possible to nature, we started organic farming in 1997 and ...
Ekologicka farma Zahradnice Asto Trade, s.r.o.
Ecological farm Zahradnice with a guesthouse is located near the town of Benešov near Prague. It was bought in 1993 and gradually renovated and expanded into a quiet place at the end of a small village with extensive pastures. We offer western horse riding and horse training. Our goal is a small farm with a personal approach to our ...
Farma U Slouku Zdenek Slouka
Farma U Slouků deals with the breeding of farm animals and the sale of farm products. We are currently engaged in breeding sheep, Boer goats and their hybrids, chickens, broiler chickens, musk ducks white, Vietnamese and their hybrids, as well as Mangalica. We also sell quality farm products, which include eggs, chilled chickens, chilled ...
Zemedelska akciova spolecnost Mezihaji, a.s.
The agricultural joint-stock company Mezihájí focuses on services in the field of plant and animal production. In the village of Kněžice, where you can find our farm, we grow cereals, potatoes and other plant products. As part of animal production, our farm specializes in raising dairy cows and pigs. Our services: - plant and animal ...
VYCHODIL PATRIK - Prodej kuric, ovocnych stromku a brambor
Patrik Vychodil sells chickens, fruit trees, potatoes and Christmas trees. Sale: - chicken - fruit trees - potatoes - Christmas trees. You can find the store at Újezd 89, 783 96 Újezd u Uničova.
Farma Sidlakov, s.r.o.
Family pension Farma Šidlákov, s.r.o. offers quiet and friendly accommodation on the border of the PLA Český les. Part of our pension is also a restaurant offering beef steaks directly from our breeding. You can find us in the village of Sidlakov near St. Wenceslas, Domazlice district. Accommodation, pension, apartment:  - three stylish ...
FARMA Martin Novotny
We would like to introduce you to our new family farm, which is located in the district of Chrudim in the Pardubice region. Our farm is focused on animal production. We breed Limousine beef cattle and our main goal is to sell our matured beef directly to customers. We offer not only matured beef, but also sausages. You can buy beef pâtés, smoked ...
Meclovska zemedelska, a. s. rostlinna a zivocisna vyroba
The company Meclovská zemědělská, a. S. Focuses on plant and animal production. As part of animal production, we are engaged in the breeding of Holstein cattle and pigs. We also grow wheat, rape, barley, spring cereals and corn. With its cultivated area, our company is one of the largest agricultural enterprises in the Pilsen region. You can find ...
Jan Horak - Zemedelska farma
The agricultural farm run by Jan Hořák on the Rýmařov farm focuses on organic farming. We are engaged in cattle breeding. We offer for sale bulls, representatives of meat breeds Hereford and Aberdeen Angus. Directly on the farm there is a cutting plant, where you can buy matured beef cattle from our production in BIO quality. Agricultural ...
AGRONA Stare Mesto, a.s.
AGRONA Staré Město, a.s. is engaged in crop and livestock production. Our main activities include growing cereals and breeding dairy cows. At present we farm 3000 hectares of agricultural land in the districts of Svitavy and Ústí nad Orlicí. Crop production, cultivation:  - cereals  - wheat, rye, barley  - Purple Mallet. Livestock ...
AGRA Horni Dunajovice  a.s.
Agricultural cooperative: plant growing and animal farming. Viticulture / wine growing, wine production, wines. Supply, distribution of wines. Service: motor vehicles. Joinery. The premises: -Horni Dunajovice, fruit collection centre, Mrs Spalkova Libuse, tel.: +420 515273241 (private nr.) -Domcice, cowhouse, tel.: +420 ...
Farma Jandrt s.r.o.
Agricultural farm: - Crop production - animal production on average 400 cattle.
AP lesnicka s.r.o.
The company AP lesnická s.r.o. focuses on breeding and selling fish as part of its business activity. In the village of Těšenov in the district of Pelhřimov, we operate fish farms where we breed and sell freshwater fish such as carp and zander. The sale of fish from the cages takes place by selling them directly on the cages. You can also ...
Eko farma Szance Jakub Onderek
Eco farm Szance - Jakub Onderek from Mosty u Jablunkova offers all agricultural services. As part of my activities, I deal with the sale of mortgaged cattle and lambs. I also focus on mowing, turning and raking hay and silage, as well as baling and mulching and subsequent sale. At the same time, I also offer field preparation and other ...
Ekofarma Jedlova
Ekofarma Jedlová Václav Sedláček is engaged in organic cattle breeding and growing grain in organic quality. We also have our own hunting area with the possibility of catching game and we offer pasture owners mowing and harvesting permanent grassland. We are based in Okrouhlá near Cheb. Livestock production, organic farming:  - breeding cattle ...
Fransimo Bohemia
Bc. Simona Lahodová runs the internationally protected kennel Fransimo Bohemia. I breed Staffordshire Bull Terriers. They are preparing their dogs for a show career and breeding other even better individuals of this exceptional, loving, non-conflicting breed, which the Staffordshire Bull Terrier definitely is. You will find our kennel in Říčany ...