Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Services: - forestry - processing of forest economic plans - organizational, economic consultant in forest management. Sale: - natural agricultural products.

Agricultural production Chrást, services: - sowing sunflower and corn with an eight-row Monos seed drill with fertilization - harvesting work with combine harvesters - harvesting not only all cereals, but also sunflowers with eight-row adapters. Sale: - sunflowers - flare - corn - oilseed rape - wheat - barley

Cultivation, sale, self-collection: - strawberries - strawberry seedlings. Sale: - Czech garlic - med.

Sales of varietal grapes for wine production. Quality grapes for winemakers in Organic quality from South Moravia.

Gardening Quercus, ornamental nursery Přemyslovice. Retail and wholesale: - ornamental trees - deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs - outdoor plants - flowers - perennials, annuals, rock gardens, bulbs.

Sale - fertilizers, substrates, balcony flowers Easter, All Saints' Day binding, Christmas. Sales - flower pots, baskets, boxes. Horticulture - perennials, rock gardens, ornamental grasses and woody plants, woody plants (climbing, ornamental), conifers, planting boxes, baskets and other containers. Sale - herbs, spices.

Processing: - products of plant production. Ecological agriculture. Breeding of poultry, cattle.

The main activity of our agricultural cooperative is plant production, we farm on 582 ha of agricultural land, we grow cereals, oilseeds, sugar, fodder and fruit. In our orchards you will find pear, apple, cherry and plum trees of several varieties. We also provide truck transport by Avia car, export of liquid manure substrates and ...

Collective farm - animal production: cattle breeding, milk production - crop production: cultivation of cereals, oilseeds, sugarcane

Agricultural production: - Crop production - animal production.