Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Sales and mining - wood Forestry - we provide hunting services

Breeding - small farm animals

Agricultural production: - vegetable - animal.

Production, delivery: - feed for farm animals cattle, pigs, poultry, fish, rabbits, deer, horses in loose and granular form - feed mixtures for sport fishing (fishery) baiting -services for farmers complete zoo consultancy activities included calculation of feed rations for cattle - sale of a wide range of milk ...

Agricultural activity, services in agriculture

Sale: - soft and hard firewood - risky felling of both forest cover and cooperation with municipalities -we offer chipping of coarse chips up to 10 cm soft and hard 7 cm - mining service. both for citizens and small and large companies

Purchase, breeding and sale of fish and waterfowl, organization of sport fishing.

Our agricultural cooperative specializes in both plant and animal production. We breed cattle and sell calves for breeding or slaughter. If you want to buy quality seed potatoes or table potatoes, contact us. You will definitely be satisfied.

Agricultural production. Crop production: - grain - corn. Sale: - feed mixtures - grain - fertilizers - mineral supplements for animals.

Agricultural production: - Crop production: - cultivation - potatoes - animal production: - production - milk. Harvest work, harvesting: - cereals - haystacks - corn.

Agricultural farm: Crop production. Livestock production: - podmoklany cowshed - phone: 569694726 - Udavy cowshed - phone: 569694824.

Collective farm. Livestock production - Vadín dairy farm. Processing of plant and animal production products. Farm: - Olešnice, Babice, Chlístov, Veselý Žďár, Perknov, Nová Ves at Svetlá. Truck transport.

Production: - agricultural -vegetable -animal - feed. Services: -insemination of cattle.

The Votav farm is located in Vysočina in the village of Údolí and Zálesí near Horní Krupá, in the middle between the towns of Havlíčkův Brod and Chotěboř. He is engaged in the breeding of pigs, sheep and cattle. All animals are kept in accordance with their life needs. Great emphasis is placed on their happy life or "wellfare". Pigs are raised on ...