Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Production, mining, sneaking, transport: - firewood by harvester technology. Purchase, redemption, processing, sale: - wood. Production: - wood products. Work: - forestry, forestry.

-Animal breeding and their training (with the exception of animal production) -Wholesale and retail -Accommodation services

Horticulture. Retail, sales: - seeds -fruit -vegetables - bets - seed potatoes.

-Providing services for agriculture, horticulture, fish farming, forestry and hunting -Manufacture of school and office supplies, except for paper products, manufacture of costume jewellery, brushes and ready-made goods, umbrellas, souvenirs - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail - Renting and lending of movable ...

Agricultural enterprise 1500 ha: - animal production -150 sows - 230 cows - plant production - insurance animal feed production -fruit growing and wine growing -we farm on 26 hectares of vineyards, 5 ha of apricots, 45 ha of apple trees, 55 ha of sour cherries, 25 ha of peaches, 18 ha of plum trees -greenery ...

Sale and breeding of frozen and live mice.

Horse riding. Breeding and training: - stable horses - preparation for licenses - rider training.

Plant agricultural production: - cultivation, production: - cereals - winter wheat, spelled wheat, rye - legumes - technical crops. Animal agricultural production: - breeding: - grazing cattle without market milk production. Sale: - products of crop production and animal production. Complete agricultural production ...

Year-round arrangement Sale - fertilizers - substrates Retail and wholesale - flowers Year-round arrangement Sale - flower and vegetable seeds and seedlings Retail and wholesale - gardening supplies

Wholesale: - grain, seed - fodder, fodder.

Artificial insemination of mares - sonographic diagnosis of pregnancy in cows and sows

Horticulture, flower shop, e-shop. Sale: - potted and cut flowers - flower pots - ceramic decorative packaging - soils - fertilizers.

Forest Service. Growing a forest. Logging, logging. Forestry activity.

Purchase, purchase, processing: - furs, leather, sheep's wool. Custom production, repairs: - products made of fur, leather or sheep's wool.

Wood production: - lumber -products from raw lumber. Forestry production. Hunting: -fee blasting. Special transport.

Agricultural Administration Slavkov (Regional organizational unit of the Prague State Enterprise Directorate): - phone number 581796108 - e-mail: Livestock production: - breeding of beef cattle, calves. Maintenance: - permanent grasslands. Forest administration Velký Újezd-polesí (Organizational unit of Lipník nad ...