Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Production, sale: - plastic - foil coating - building materials - cement goods, concrete, artificial stone - agricultural production. Buildings: - ground, engineering - providing transport.

(Belagra) Purchase, sale, wholesale: - agricultural commodities - agrochemicals - fertilizers.

Production, cultivation and sale of ornamental plants, trees, deciduous shrubs and conifers for implementation companies and small customers.

Wholesale. - plant products - hops.

Agricultural production. Plant production, cultivation.

consulting in agriculture, sale of fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural commodities, creation of a web presentation

Logging and approximation of timber Sale - firewood Winter road maintenance Forestry work

Aquaculture system, breeding, handling of fish and their distribution.

Expert forest manager. Forestry services: - cultivation work - logging, purchase of wood material - wood transport - associated production - raw wood products.

Agricultural farm ZEA–LAND. Agricultural production. Plant production, cultivation: - cereals - wheat, barley - rapeseed - corn - alfalfa. Own production of feed mixtures, fodder. Livestock production, breeding: - Holstein beef cattle - a dairy cow for milk - calves, bulls for meat.

Atelier: - garden and residential architecture and landscaping. Proposals, implementation, consultancy in the field of horticulture: - ornamental garden projects with implementation including irrigation, supply of pools and lighting - ensures autumn planting - a wide assortment of ornamental trees (also imported), roses, fruit trees and cash ...

Production: -wood chips. We perform: -mining, felling of wood, trees, trees, cutting, cutting, cutting normal and problem trees - liquidation of orchards, maintenance of alleys, restoration. - disposal of wood in an ecological way by chipping. We chip bushes, branches, trees up to the diameter. Purchase of wood. Work with the ...

Processing, services: -wood -forestry -cultivation -extraction. Saw. Log cut. Sale and purchase: - lumber -wooden matter. Ensuring complete services: -roofs -plumbing and roofing work.


Production - lamb and goat meat Breeding - goats - sheep

Plant production, cultivation, sale: - Christmas trees - there are several types of trees on offer: - Caucasian fir, huge, white-barked, frosted - pine and black pine - Norway spruce and prickly - silver. Forestry services. Management of private and municipal forest properties.

Technicians in agriculture, fisheries and water management.

We are engaged in the purchase, export, breeding and wholesale sale of exotic birds, parrots, parakeets.

Agricultural trade cooperative. Livestock production, breeding, large-scale breeding: - turkeys, turkeys - black-spotted Holstein cattle, beef cattle. Crop production: - cash crops. Processing of turkey and poultry meat. Wholesale, retail: - poultry - meat specialties from poultry meat.