Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Services: -experimental breeding of ungulates with a special breeding regime - preparation

Agricultural production: - vegetable: - wheat, barley - sugar beet - animal

Export, import: - wet-salted beef, veal and pork raw hides.

Beekeeping: - beekeeping Production, sale: - honey

Production of seeds of winter and spring cereals, rapeseeds, legumes and clovers.

E-shop: - breeding supplies (granules, treats, canned goods, scrapers).

Growing nursery of stonecrops, sedums, winter-hardy succulents and rock plants. Services, retail and wholesale - gardening services - custom supply of limestone for green roofs - cultivation and sale of ornamental plants - organization of exhibitions and fairs - implementation and construction of rock gardens, consultancy.

Agricultural production - cultivation of cereals, wheat, oats, barley, corn and fodder - breeding of sheep, goats - fattening and breeding of beef cattle - transport of farm animals (domestic and international) - baling, mowing, turning and raking hay.

Branch. Experimental apiary. Carniolan bee breeding.

Viticulture. Production: - wine Cultivation: - fruit - apples

Agricultural activity. Plant and animal production

Collection, redemption: - fruit - red and black rowanberries, rowan and cloudberries, medlar or rose hips.

Production, sale, retail: -Pet Supplies - feed