Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Import, sale: - plant protection preparations - herbicides - fungicides - insecticides

Private farmer. Farm Janko - accommodation in a cottage - sport and recreational fishing Farm: Vysoká Libyně, Pilsen-north

Chemical plant protection - application of pesticides and liquid fertilizers - fertilization by N-sensor technology - sale and distribution of agrochemicals, liquid and solid fertilizers - consulting in the field of plant protection and nutrition.

Gardening, delivery service, sales: - ceramics, books, gardening tools, plants. Advice on establishing and arranging gardens. Order Department: - phone number: 327314982.

Growing and selling plants for home and garden. Sale of a wide range of accessories.

Gardening, sales - plants, flowers, annuals - bushes - garlic.

Activity: - processing of agricultural products - rental of agricultural equipment

Breeding center: -breeding and breeding of farm animals -goats, horses, cattle, pigs -insemination. Sale: -farm animals.

Services - forest management: mining activity, sale of wood - technical services: care and maintenance of public greenery, road maintenance, collection yard operation - associated production: carpentry, carpentry, plumbing and roofing work

Farm: -breeding of the LIMOUSINE breed - breeding of cattle, horses and rabbits - sale of breeding animals

Strawberry farm. Cultivation, sale: -strawberries

Appaloosa Horse Ranch. Breeding: - horses, horses

Services, agricultural activity: - cattle breeding - forestry - sawmill production Expert activity.

Goat farm, breeding: - goats Production: - goat cheese - Goat milk

Family farm, organic farm. Breeding: - horses - sheep Agricultural Services: - pressing of silage, hay - logging, bringing wood - chipping

Production and sale of wood chips and firewood. Extraction of wood materials. Felling and pruning of trees.