Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Activity: - goat breeding - sale of milk - goat cheeses, cottage cheese

Services - animal and plant production - biogas plant.

Breeding: - Swiss Alpine sheep.

Advice: -field of forestry, sawmill production - operation of forestry and agricultural production. Services: -forestry -she drank - road motor transport.

Services and activities: - area of forestry and wood processing industry: - forest owners - contacts with foreign countries - informatics - exhibition business.

Activity: - rider training - horse training - horse stables.

Sale of feed for aquarium fish. Sale of coconut briquettes for grilling.

Collective farm. Agricultural production: - vegetable - animal.

Ranch services: - horse riding - horse stables - pub

Agricultural production. Crop production. Livestock production..

Production of feed and vitamin and mineral supplements for dogs and cats.

Activity: - forestry services - logging, bringing wood - cultivation activity. Sale: - firewood. Utilities: - mowing the grass around the roads - shoveling snow with a tractor.

Production: - feed mixtures. Services: - mobile mixer of feed mixtures.

Gardening, floristry. Sale: - ornamental trees, shrubs - flowers - room flowers - perennials, rock plants - fruit trees - gardening substrates, fertilizers.

Baroque farmhouse Benice. Stud farm Favory. Guesthouse. Restaurant.

Retail, sales: - economic needs - fertilizers, sprays - fodder - gardening supplies - Pet Supplies - hardware store - work clothes.

Services: - international transport of farm animals.

Sale: - firewood, firewood - seedlings of forest trees. Services: - purchase of wood.

Farm, breeding: - horses, horses Achaletke - beef cattle Guesthouse.