Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Sale of feed and nutrition for farm animals: for calves, dairy cows, piglets, sows, horses, etc., stable disinfectants: disinfection before milking and after milking, stable and husbandry supplies.

Sale: - seasonal goods of all kinds - fodder for farmed animals - garden chemistry.

breeding: - sheep - SUFFOLK sheep breed. Cultivation: - an orchard with local varieties of apple, pear, thorn, and gooseberry trees. Sale: - goat cheeses - walnuts in BIO quality - apples in BIO quality.

Growing and selling Christmas trees. Advice on growing Christmas trees. Design and implementation of gardens. Plant care. Expert manager for private forests. Sale of tree seedlings and ornamental trees.

Services - waste management - beekeeping - sale of bee combs, honey, mead etc. - agricultural services - winter road maintenance.

Waste management. Business activity. Rental property. Services for plant and animal production.

Wood carving work - custom work, wood carvings, sculptures, ornaments. Renovation of windows and doors. Risky felling and trimming of trees. Restoration of furniture.

-earthworks and their provision - purchase of goods for the purpose of their resale and sale -waste management - surface treatment of glass outside the trades listed in Annex 1 ŽZ sk. 106 - intermediary activity in the field of trade and services -Providing services for forest management and hunting

Fishing, fishing, Mokrouše pond - organizing trout fishing competitions.

Wholesale, sale. - agricultural products, agricultural commodities: - cereals, oilseeds, corn - protein feeds - milk feed mixtures - Pet Supplies. Breeding. Forestry. Advisory service for breeders, beekeepers and hunters.

Ranch L. Horse ranch - horse riding, western races. ZOS - agricultural enterprise. Agricultural production. Crop production: - growing hops - cereals - food wheat and malting barley - oilseeds - rapeseed, sunflower - seeds.

Sale of garden equipment: - authorized STIGA dealer - BRIGGS&STRATION service center. Sale: - conifers, trees, hedges, bushes - balcony flowers, ornamental grasses, rock plants, annuals, perennials, bulbs - fruit trees. Sale: - plastic and wooden garden furniture - garden fireplaces, grills - chests - garden wooden ...

Flower shop Horticulture Sales, retail: - indoor and cut flowers - dry ties - home accessories - Christmas decorations and trees Designs and implementation of turnkey gardens.

Forestry. Services: - cultivation of forest trees - logging. Vsetín Arboretum. Mountain hut Nivka.

-Animal breeding and their training (with the exception of animal production) -Wholesale and retail Assembly, repairs, revisions and tests of gas equipment and filling of containers with gases

Transport: - wood materials. Production: - wood materials - firewood - wood chips. Sale: - firewood Cultivation activities in forestry.

Organic farm with breeding of Jersey cows and East Frisian sheep, and a dairy processing its own production.

Organic farm - cattle breeding - organic beef production - accommodation in apartments - riding club.