Refractory materials, shaped bricks from castables - production, sale, repair, the Czech Republic

The CAPITAL REFRACTORIES s.r.o. company is engaged in the manufacture, sale and repairs of refractory materials - industrial ceramics, shaped bricks from castables and linings.

Castables, shaped bricks from castables:
- we can produce refractory parts of any shape
- castables according to their use - common metallurgical castables, guniting metallurgical castables, shaped bricks made of castables with low cement content and others
- prefabricated parts made of castables.

Refractory materials, refractory linings:
- refractory linings of heat aggregates
- they are a neccessary component of induction furnaces and foundry ladles, industrial boilers
- we provide production, service and repairs of linings.

The use of refractory materials and castables is neccessary especially in industrial fields. The production, sale and repair of industrial ceramics is carried out by the CAPITAL REFRACTORIES s.r.o. company.

We are one of the leading companies in the field of refractory material production. We also offer complex consultancy in the field of metallurgy and industrial ceramics.

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Capital Refractories s.r.o.

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